We are a laboratory specialized in steel materials, comprised of a technical team of experts in metrological assurance, quality, and result validity. We are dedicated to ensuring impartiality and minimum uncertainty ranges.
Our commitment is to transform the way steel testing and technical analysis are conducted, aiming to become reference evaluators of conformity in Colombia and Latin America.

Acero Lab S.A.S, a laboratory specializing in steel materials and their derivatives, competent and specialized in producing valid results within minimum uncertainty ranges, declares its ongoing intention to work towards the continuous satisfaction of stakeholders.
Our processes are led by each professional assigned to their specific role within each position. Our integrated management system is structured from the planning and implementation of actions that address risks and opportunities with a process-oriented approach to continuously improve the effectiveness of the system. For this purpose, top management allocates the necessary resources to ensure the sustainability of each process in the long term.
With regard to occupational health and safety, top management is committed to implementing occupational health and safety at its single workplace to manage occupational risks for all workers, regardless of their form of employment or engagement, including contractors and subcontractors, who will carry out their activities in accordance with the management documents related to their activity and process.
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