

Customer Service GC-SAC-FM-001
FORMAT: Version: 02
In this section, you (customers, regulatory bodies, suppliers, employees, academia, certification and accreditation bodies, and society) can submit and send your CPCG (Queries, Complaints, Claims, and Suggestions).
For Acero Lab S.A.S., it is essential to know your opinion, address your inquiries, and respond to your complaints and suggestions. Therefore, based on the principle of transparency, we aim to work on the continuous improvement of the services we offer by constantly monitoring your CPCG.
You can submit your CPCG by completing the following form.

(*) PETITION: Request for information related to the provision of the service.

(*COMPLAINT: Expression of dissatisfaction related to the provision of a service.

(*) CLAIMS: Expression of dissatisfaction related to the service provided by the company.

(*SUGGESTIONS: Proposals aimed at improving the service provided.